Many living things are just looking for a calm place to relax.. That has to be why a Marion man found a buck knocking on the door, looking for a place chill.

I'm not entirely sure of everything going on in this video.

Somehow, a male deer wandered out of the woods and into a Marion, Illinois man's backyard. Not content to just hang in the yard, the buck walks up to the back door to take a closer peek inside.

I strongly encourage you watch this whole video. You'll see how the deer knocks on the door, but even better...

You'll hear the home owner actually talk to the buck like it's a person and the deer almost seems to understand what the man is saying.

I get the feeling, after watching, that the deer may see his reflection in the glass and doesn't move because he's mesmerized by 'the buck that's inside the house already'.

A part of me always thinks that many species have some level of understanding of what comes out of our mouths.

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