When you think of monsters, maybe you think of Loch Ness, maybe you consider the Pacific Northwest, but here in Illinois?

Yep. Apparently the Land of Lincoln is home to a whole slew of things that go bump in the night.

Kevin Hoffman at Reboot Illinois takes a look at some home grown ghoulies, such as:



  • Illinois has the most reported Bigfoot sightings of any state east of the Mississippi, most of which are concentrated in remote and rural parts of southern and central Illinois.
  • The earliest documented sighting was in 1883 in a wooded area near Centreville.

The Enfield Horror

  • In April 1973, numerous sightings of a deformed creature having T-Rex-like arms with short claws, pink eyes, gray, slimy skin and three legs attacked a young boy as he was playing in his backyard. Later that evening, the bizarre creature tried breaking into a neighbors home, where it was shot by a man named Henry McDaniel with a .22 caliber pistol. A news director for WWKI Radio supposedly taped the monster’s screams as it ran off, covering 50-75 feet with just three giant leaps and vanished.
  • Back in the 1940s, similar sightings were reported in the nearby town of Mt. Vernon, leading some to believe this creature reappears every few decades and will return again.

Murphysboro Mud Monster


  • Also known as “Big Muddy,” the seven foot, white-haired monster was first seen roaming along the banks of the Big Muddy River near Murphysboro. While police found its footprints along the river, and even heard its bizarre screams, it was last seen by a young boy running through his family’s backyard before it mysteriously vanished.

And, of course, my personal favorite...


The Bull Valley Monster


  • In the woods surrounding the secluded and twisting roads of Bull Valley, a small town just east of Woodstock in McHenry County, are reports of an upright-walking monster resembling Sasquatch. While Bigfoot sightings are common in central and southern parts of the state, northern Illinois is home to its own bipedal beast, one that apparently enjoys attacking teenage couples who drive the roads at night.
  • The McHenry County Sheriff deals with reports from time-to-time, but there has never been any conclusive evidence.


For the complete list, along with some spooky images, click here. Too bad we don't have some sort of monster who picks up and feeds on unclaimed campaign signs.

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