Frequent listeners of the show will know that I often talk about my non-existent basset hound, the dog I one day wish to have. However, with two children under the age of 2 in the house, that day still is a little bit off in the distance.

But that doesn't mean I don't enjoy a good puppy video! Take a look below at the newest dog breed, the Tatra Hound. It's a mix of Dachshund and Slovak Hound and the first litter recently was birthed. According to AOL:

The black and brown puppies are bred for hunting and intelligence, according to a website detailing the breeder's work. They grow to a height of about 16 inches, but are longer in the torso. Tatra Hounds are very intelligent but mild-mannered. They are also said to be fearless.

The story says it's not known yet if the pups will be made available for pets in the near future. I'm sure there's already a wait list. Here the video of the new puppies:

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