Governor Rauner Makes Moves To Prepare For Unbalanced Budget
Jim Anderson -- Illinois Radio Network
The governor's office is preparing for life with an unbalanced budget.
The governor's office say it'll close one or two juvenile justice facilities, close the Hardin County Work Camp in Cave-in-Rock, cut off LIHEAP funds, put the freeze on buying new police cars, ground state planes except for emergencies and close the state museums, in order to be ready July 1 for an out-of-balance budget.
State Rep. Tim Butler (R-Springfield) says these things don't have to happen. "We have a month to go. July 1 is the real deadline here as to when we need the budget in place. Everybody needs to continue to sit down and talk and hammer out a compromise on the budget so we can keep the government up and going," he said.
Lawmakers passed a budget that's out of balance by $4 billion, but they have not sent it to the governor yet. He says he won't sign an unbalanced budget. July 1 is the start of the new fiscal year.
These are the actions announced by the governor's office:
Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
Effective Immediately
Immediate suspension of all future incentive offers to companies for business attraction and retention. This includes EDGE Tax Credits, Large Business Attraction Grants, Employer Training Investment Program Incentive Grants and Prime Sites Grants.
Will defer application approvals for film tax credits and High Impact Business designations.
All commitments previously made in any of these programs will be honored.
Action Initiated
Prepare and provide notice for the July 1 suspension of the State Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (SLIHEAP). The federal portion of the program, funded at about $170 million, will continue.
Department of Transportation
Effective Immediately
The Illiana Expressway will not move forward at this time. As a result, the Illinois Department of Transportation will remove the project from its current multi-year plan. It is the determination of IDOT that the project costs exceed currently available resources. The Department will begin the process of suspending all existing project contracts and procurements.
Action Initiated
Beginning July 1, the department will ground all state plane passenger service. Planes will be maintained and available for emergency services.
Department of Juvenile Justice
Action Initiated
Begin the process of identifying one or two juvenile correctional facilities for closure. Juvenile system has a surplus of capacity
Department of Corrections
Action Initiated
Begin the process of closing the Hardin County Work Camp. Approximately 180 inmates will be moved. Approximately 60 Work Camp staff affected
Department of Healthcare and Family Services
Action Initiated
Implement an audit review of nursing home reimbursements to ensure payments comply with recently implemented new rate structure. Recover overpayments to nursing homes and implement financial penalties for improper billings.
Illinois State Police
Action Initiated
Immediately freeze all vehicle purchases.
Department on Aging
Action Initiated
File emergency rules to enact means testing to Aging�s Community Care Program. No income limit currently exists.
Increase the Determination of Need (DON) Score required to obtain services through Aging�s Community Care Program
Department of Human Services
Action Initiated
DHS will pursue cost control strategies through emergency rules to the Childcare Program: Increase copays for parents using the program and freeze intake and create waiting lists.
DHS will also begin background checks for relatives providing child care. Background checks are currently required for child care licensed centers, group homes and non-relatives who provide care.
Department of Natural Resources
Action Initiated
The Department will not award Open Space Land Acquisition Development Grants in FY16.
The Department will begin the process to suspend operations and close the five state museums to visitors. The state will continue to maintain and secure the museums to protect the artifacts and exhibits.