I'm sure you know this by now, but Rockford is full of ghosts and ghastly stories, and I'm not talking about crime rates here, so don't even go there. What I am talking about, is the ghastly tales you can hear and haunted places you can tour if you're into a good, scary experience.

The Haunted Host With the Most in Rockford

When it comes to knowledge about the Rockford area's scary past, Kathi Kresol and Haunted Rockford is the authority to turn to, and in October their spooky fun really hits high gear.

Haunted tours of popular places in Rockford? Of course, they've got them!

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Do you just want to sit down and listen to a bunch of scary tales? Haunted Rockford's got those too, but let's zero in on one tour they have coming up that a serious case of the goosies just reading about it.

Take a Twilight Tour of Rockford's Greenwood Cemetery

Full disclosure, cemeteries are not my favorite place to be any time of the year or day, because I am a wimp, BUT I can recognize a frightfully, fascinating experience when I see it.

On Saturday, October 16, 2021, from 5:30 to 7 p.m., Haunted Rockford will be hosting a Twilight Tour at Greenwood Cemetery in Rockford, and this does not sound like an experience for the faint of heart. Haunted Rockford explains it like this;

The ornate stones of Greenwood Cemetery cover many dark stories.  But Kathi Kresol has been investigating these stories for many years and she will share them during this special tour.  These stories will include tragic accidents, horrible murders, and ghostly encounters.  It also will include a special tour of the Greenwood Chapel.

This walking tour does require advance registration, and only a limited number of tickets (which are $25 each) will be sold. Click here right now to get them.

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