Health officials in Illinois are reporting the state's first human case of West Nile virus this year.

Officials say a the case involved a woman in her 70s who got sick last month. Her case was reported to the state by the Chicago Department of Public Health.


The news follows what has been a relatively quiet year thus far for West Nile. There have been no reported cases in birds or mosquitoes in Wnnebago, Boone, Ogle, or Stephenson Counties. In fact, to date, West Nile virus has been reported in birds, mosquitoes and/or human case in only 32 counties.

At this time last, year, West Nile virus was reported in 49 counties. In 2013, a total of 76 counties in Illinois reported West Nile virus.  Last year there were 117 human   cases, including 11 deaths.

Health officials say it's a good reminder to use insect repellent when outdoors, even if it doesn't look like many mosquitoes are out. The mosquitoes that usually carry West Nile virus aren't very noticeable and are stealthy biters.

Think you know West Nile? Take this quiz! Yes, there's really a West Nile quiz and you should take it and let us know how you did.

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