
Illinois, Check Your Wallet: Those $1 Bills May Be Worth $150,000
Illinois, Check Your Wallet: Those $1 Bills May Be Worth $150,000
Illinois, Check Your Wallet: Those $1 Bills May Be Worth $150,000
It seems as though an error in the printing process has made some one-dollar bills worth thousands more than their face value. I wouldn't waste your time with this if it were only a few dollar bills, so it might pay to check through your cash because there are literally millions of them out there.
The Longest Served Prison Sentence In Iowa
The Longest Served Prison Sentence In Iowa
The Longest Served Prison Sentence In Iowa
Warren Nutter would pass away in prison after serving 65 years making him the longest serving prisoner in Iowa at this time. It is actually very close to Francis Clifford Smith who actually survived his life sentence.

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