I was born in Solon, Iowa and went to Washington High School. I got into the radio world at age 17 and fell in love with it. I spend way too much time on the internet and watching movies. My favorite book is Slaughterhouse 5, and my first job was a farmhand on a horse farm. I consider myself a bit of a history buff, and Eli Young Band is my favorite band.
Ghost Hunting Season Starts In Iowa And Illinois
Both Iowa and Illinois have some famous ghost hunting spots. Today we will be looking at a handful of spots you can visit herein the Midwest.
Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois Hikers HAVE TO Avoid Red Or Purple Paint In The Woods
While many who don't live in Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin still don't realize how beautiful it is. We are now a couple years into a new acceptance for paint as markers in the state of Illinois. Many of us love to go for hikes in the Fall.
10 Most Stolen Cars In Iowa, Illinois, and Wisconsin
We all have a fear of our car getting stolen. While the Midwest tends to be seen as "safer" than other areas, there is still plenty of nonviolent crimes that happen regularly.
Don’t Shake Vending Machines In Wisconsin, Iowa, Or Illinois
Odds are you won't get the candy unstuck, but the method some have tried is getting it to fall by ordering an item above the stuck cargo.
Illinois Town Is Now Being Called The Worst Ghost Town In America
This Town is in Alexander county. This county used to have a population of twenty Thousand but has now dropped to five thousand according to top the video.
Doxing And Swatting On The Rise In Parts Of Illinois, Iowa And Wisconsin
A growing trend not just in larger parts of the Midwest, but the entire United States has the FBI warning parents about online privacy. It seems like kids know way more about the internet than we do.
If You Drive This Color Of Car You Are More Likely To Be Pulled Over In Illinois, Iowa And Wisconsin
There are many urban legends about getting pulled over. One big myth is that red cars always get pulled over the most. Fun fact, that isn't true. Today we are looking at the most pulled-over cars in the United States.
Warning In Illinois, Iowa And Wisconsin: If You See A Dryer Sheet In Your Mailbox Leave It There
Summer is coming to an end and that warm humid weather is still here which means the wildlife, and bugs are out again. Those bugs can get annoying... thankfully there might be a solution.
Wow! These Are The Top 10 Most “Redneck” Towns In Wisconsin
The most Redneck places in Wisconsin are these 10 towns.
The Top Three Biggest Party Schools In Illinois
It's almost back to school time so why not see where the parties are! Does your Illinois school go hard when it comes to parties? It's time to see if it can make the list.