Carpenter’s Place Urgently Needs Warm Socks
Carpenter's Place, a Rockford homeless shelter, has put out an urgent need request for winter socks as their supply has begun to run low.
You've no doubt noticed that the temperatures have started getting colder on us, and maybe you've started to bundle up a bit. We all know that we haven't seen anything yet when it comes to real cold---but we will.
In anticipation of the dropping mercury to come, and because of depleted stocks of warm winter socks, Carpenter's Place is asking for your help.
Warm socks are one of the most important items we pass out to our guests here at Carpenter’s Place, and our supply is running VERY low. We’re reaching out to members of the community to help us collect donations of socks. Specifically, our need is greatest for men’s tube and crew socks.
You are always welcome to drop off your donations in-person at Carpenter's Place, 1149 Railroad Avenue here in Rockford. You can also make a monetary donation through PayPal.
Or, Carpenter's Place suggests smile.amazon.com.
Adding ‘smile’ brings you to AmazonSmile. It is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization. We hope you’ll choose Carpenter’s Place during the set-up process. The best part is, you can use your existing Amazon account. Super seamless!
For many of us, receiving socks as a gift might make us think that the gift-giver just doesn't care--for Carpenter's Place, you're giving a fantastic and much needed gift that will be greatly appreciated by those who need it most.
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