6 New Wisconsin Laws You Should Know Going Into 2016
Well, ‘‘Tis The Season’ for new laws to be put in effect for the New Year.
In the spirit of rock and roll… of course rules are meant to be broken. But you may not want to break these. Here are a few laws that I think are worth mention:
(For more information on each law, find each link in the highlighted law.)
1. If you plan on voting in the 2016 election in the state of Wisconsin, make sure you bring the correct form of identification. The Voter Identification Law, REQUIRES PARTICIPANTS AT THE POLLS TO BRING AN OFFICIALLY-ISSUED PHOTO ID in order to step into the election booth. This will go into effect February 16, 2016 for the first time in Wisconsin. Acceptable forms of identification are a Wisconsin's Drivers License or ID, Military ID card or U.S. Passport.
2. Speaking of identification... RESIDENTS IN WISCONSIN WILL NOW NEED TO USE A PASSPORT TO FLY DOMESTICALLY across the United States.
3. If you plan on selling your car, or purchasing a car from a private owner, WISCONSIN STATE LAW REQUIRES AN INDIVIDUAL SELLING A PRIVATELY-OWNED MOTOR VEHICLE TO ANOTHER PRIVATE PARTY TO REPORT THE SALE TO THE WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WITHIN 30 DAYS. To help with the new law, WisDOT has developed an online service to help at wisconsindmv.gov/SellerNotify.
4. If you have plans to hike, bike or ski in Wisconsin state parks or on state trails, you will now be paying more for entry. WISCONSIN STATE PARK AND TRAIL FEES ARE NOW MORE EXPENSIVE. Wisconsin residents will have to pay $28 for an annual park pass, up from $25. They'll have to pay $8 for daily admission, up from $7. Out-of-staters will have to pay $38 for an annual park pass, up from $35. They'll have to pay $11 for a day pass, up from $10.
5. If you are living in a rural area, health care may be easier to receive. A NEW WISCONSIN LAW THAT PROVIDES A TIME-SAVING PROCESS FOR DOCTORS TO BE LICENSED IN MULTIPLE STATES WILL EXPAND HEALTH-CARE ACCESS IN RURAL AREAS. Some say this can even help curb rising costs throughout the country.
6. Contractors who purchase materials for construction projects, listen up. You can save a bit of money on your purchase. A NEW MEASURE NOW EXEMPTS MATERIALS CONTRACTORS PURCHASE TO CONSTRUCT A PROJECT FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT, SCHOOL DISTRICT OR NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION FROM STATE SALES TAX.