3 Area High Schools Make ‘Best in Illinois/Wisconsin’ List
U.S. News and World Report's 2018 best high school rankings found some high schools in the stateline that are worthy of high praise.
Locally, those schools are Hononegah High School, Stillman Valley High School, and just north of the border, Beloit Turner.
Turner ranked as the 55th best high school in Wisconsin while Hononegah ranked 41st and Stillman Valley ranked 62nd in Illinois. The three schools received silver rankings.
From 23WIFR News:
Turner had a college readiness of 33.3 and has 42 percent of students take advanced placement exams. Hononegah had a college readiness of 35.6 and 43 percent of students take the exams. Stillman Valley comes in at 24.3 and 45 percent of students taking the exams.
Other local schools received bronze rankings as well including Byron, Pecatonica, Dakota Durand and Forreston high schools.