We’re Almost Half Way Through July, So What’s With All the June Bugs?
Not that misery loves company or anything like that, but I really hope that my house isn't the only place in the Rockford area that has become some sort of June bug hangout spot. Not to burst anyone's bubble, but June bugs aren't named June bugs because they're only around in June. June is usually when they're just getting started.
First off, a couple of June bugs facts for you, courtesy of BugFacts (written from the perspective of a June bug):
- Found all over North America, I hide in trees during the day. As adult beetles, we swarm in great numbers in early summer, usually at dark and are strongly attracted to lights.
- As a larva, I live underground and eat the roots of grasses and other plants. As an adult, I feed at night and eat vegetation, usually the leaves from trees and bushes.
- I am less than one inch in length, am dark brown to blackish in color, have a hard casing and have wings.
- I go through four stages of development: egg, larva, pupa and adult. My egg is laid in the ground, and I can live for two to three years in the ground as a larva before surfacing to become an adult. My total lifespan is up to four years.
I'm sure you know about these little buzzing party crashers, just like I do. The difference this year, at least from my observations, is that there are lots more of them around than in previous years. We have a couple of handheld bug-zappers (think of an electrified tennis racket), and have used them to great effect. However, even after thinning the June bugs' ranks by over 100 the other night, they kept on coming.
So, if your place is as over-run with June bugs as mine is, it appears that you have 3 choices. You could zap as many as possible like we are, or...
Teach them cool tricks to amaze your friends and family like this guy:
Or, if you're feeling a little peckish, and you want some "wild protein," you could cook them up like this dude:
Or, if neither of those ideas interest you, here's the easiest one of the bunch:
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