Vote Counting Questions in Treasurer’s Race
Dave Dahl -- Illinois Radio Network
Insert joke about Chicago here.
The Tom Cross campaign for treasurer – with Cross barely ahead of competitor Mike Frerichs a week after Election Day – says some people are recorded as voting more than once.
Cross campaign manager Kevin Artl says, “Hundreds of people cast multiple ballots. It should raise alarms for everyone,” adding, “We're not accusing anyone of anything.” Artl says the Cook County balloting shows hundreds of people who voted absentee then showed up Election Day to vote again.
The counting of absentee and provisional ballots in Chicago and Cook County – separate election commissions – continues, with one one hundredth of one percentage point separating Cross, a Republican state representative from Oswego, from Champaign Democrat Mike Frerichs, a state senator, of 3.5 million ballots cast.
The Illinois State Board of Elections says it will certify the results Nov. 30.