Do you ever daydream about discovering that someone somewhere left you an inheritance that you have yet to learn about? That is a reality for many in Illinois as the state has confirmed that it has a staggering $5 billion dollars in unclaimed property.
You might be rich (or at least richer) and not even know it - yet. The state of Illinois has over 5 billion dollars in unclaimed property, but it's super easy to find out if any of this fortune is yours.
This sounds like a Hollywood plot when you think about it. The old "relative that I didn't know about died and left behind millions of dollars" scenario is evidently alive and well here in the state of Illinois.
Illinois State Treasurer Michael Frerichs' office holds more than 100 military medals and ribbons that were surrendered as unclaimed property, and there's nothing they'd like better than to reunite the medals with the men and women who were awarded them, or get them to the servicemember's family.
Illinois State Treasurer Dan Rutherford is a frequent guest with "RIley & Scot" and we've often discussed the Unclaimed Property Auctions that his offices organizes. This week another auction is underway with a number of interesting items. Ru