
Illinois Department of Transportation is Looking for Seasonal Help to Clear Snow and Ice
Illinois Department of Transportation is Looking for Seasonal Help to Clear Snow and Ice
Illinois Department of Transportation is Looking for Seasonal Help to Clear Snow and Ice
If plowing, shoveling, and scraping off your own property during a winter snowstorm is not enough for you, and you'd love nothing more than plow, shovel, and scrape your way through Northern Illinois this winter--get in touch with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). They're looking for help.
17 Arrested in Rockford Area During ICE Operation Targeting Criminals
17 convicted criminal illegal aliens have been arrested during an operation carried out this week in northern Illinois by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency. According to a press release, the three-day operation was conducted by ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) as part of the agency’s effort to remove individuals previously convicted of a crime from the U ...
Slip, Slide, and Flush
Slip, Slide, and Flush
Slip, Slide, and Flush
This crazy winter has given me plenty of things to post here for your information and amusement. Today is certainly no exception. I can totally relate to two of these three videos, as I have taken a few Chevy Chase-like falls while out shoveling...
Ice Climbing Niagara Falls
Ice Climbing Niagara Falls
Ice Climbing Niagara Falls
I figured, given our current winter weather situation, this would be something we could consider. I mean, you spent between 1 and 5 hours yesterday shoveling out your driveway, how much harder could this be? Well, a lot harder, to tell the truth...
Some Cold Weather Facts
Some Cold Weather Facts
Some Cold Weather Facts
Man, it's cold outside. How cold is it? So cold I went off in search of cold weather info, and just look at what I found (courtesy of ABC-15 in Phoenix): You may have heard that pouring hot water on your car's windshield will get the ice and snow off...