
Google Translate vs. La Bamba
Google Translate vs. La Bamba
Google Translate vs. La Bamba
I started using Google Translate a few weeks ago when I found it made communication with a friend a lot (and I mean a lot) easier. My friend is Chinese, and his English is a little rough. I'm an American, and my Chinese is...well, is non-existent...
Explore Loch Ness with Google Maps
Explore Loch Ness with Google Maps
Explore Loch Ness with Google Maps
I'll happily admit that I've always been fascinated by Loch Ness in Scotland, and by extension, the fabled Loch Ness Monster (or Nessie, if you crave familiarity). As a matter of fact, a visit and tour of Loch Ness is one of the items populating my bucket list...
Google Is Developing an App to Keep You From Seeing Spoilers, You’re Welcome
Google Is Developing an App to Keep You From Seeing Spoilers, You’re Welcome
Google Is Developing an App to Keep You From Seeing Spoilers, You’re Welcome
It’s a familiar scenario for most people: You haven’t watched the latest episode of Game of Thrones or Mad Men, or you’ve yet to make it to the theater to check out the latest movie your friends have all been gushing over. But social media is an irresistible force, so you hop on Twitter or Facebook anyway, and soon find yourself navigating a minefield. At any given moment, you might read a spoiler. Lucky for you, there may soon be an app for that.
Google Glass Gets Competition
Google Glass Gets Competition
Google Glass Gets Competition
Even if you don't own a pair (I don't know anyone who does), you're probably familiar with Google Glass. If not, here's some background (courtesy of Wikipedia): Google Glass is a type of wearable technology with an optical head-mounted display (OHMD)...
What Did You Search For in 2014?
What Did You Search For in 2014?
What Did You Search For in 2014?
Google has released its annual round-up of the year's top global searches. Instead of searching for the list, I thought I'd share it with you here. From CNN: In 2014, the entire world was sad about the passing of Robin Williams, excited to watch the World Cup and worried about Ebola...