
Would This Kind of Event Work Here in Rockford?
Would This Kind of Event Work Here in Rockford?
Would This Kind of Event Work Here in Rockford?
Here in Rockford, we've shown ourselves to be very open-minded when it comes to trying out sports and/or games that are popular in other countries, but do we have enough hearty, adventurous souls around here to take on the very British Cheese Rolling Race? I think we do, although at this point in my life, I'm not one.
Forget The Stanley Cup, It’s Shin-Kicking Time!
Forget The Stanley Cup, It’s Shin-Kicking Time!
Forget The Stanley Cup, It’s Shin-Kicking Time!
Okay, let's say, for the sake of argument, that you're tired of the sports that North America has to offer. Burned out on baseball, tired of football and the NFL's controversies, don't care about Lord Stanley and his cup, basketball's over, and really let's not even get started on soccer...