
Four-time DUI Offenders Could Get Back Some Driving Privileges
Four-time DUI Offenders Could Get Back Some Driving Privileges
Four-time DUI Offenders Could Get Back Some Driving Privileges
Dave Dahl -- Illinois Radio Network Four drunken-driving convictions would lead you to believe there's a bad habit there. Still, some lawmakers -- including a majority in the Illinois House -- say there are still some drivers like that who should have driving privileges...
Beer Commercial Dog Sends a Great Message
Beer Commercial Dog Sends a Great Message
Beer Commercial Dog Sends a Great Message
Every Tuesday on The Riley & Scot Show, we spend some time after 8am with our pal Rich Gambini of Crimestoppers. Yesterday, part of our conversation turned to the topic of impaired driving, DUIs, and the recent high profile news stories involving drunk driving and its terrible aftermath. ...
Rockford Ranks First For DUI Arrests In Illinois
Rockford Ranks First For DUI Arrests In Illinois
Rockford Ranks First For DUI Arrests In Illinois
For the seventh straight year the Rockford Police Department ranks first in the state in DUI arrests. That's according to an annual study by The Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists, which excludes Chicago from the list due to its size. Rockford officers compiled 556 arrests in 2013...