This just in. Illinois has plenty of deer. If you're wondering why the Land of Lincoln is making statements about wildlife, there's a simple explanation.
For once in my life, I can say that I've lived the advice I am giving instead of just saying something and doing the opposite. If you see a deer while you're driving down a road in Missouri, there are lots of ways to respond, but there's one thing you should never ever do.
Even if you hunt, you're not likely to see a piebald deer in your lifetime. For one Illinois hunter, not only did he see one of these rare bucks, but he took it down with only a bow as his video share proves.
It is fairly common to encounter an animal crossing the road while you're driving in Indiana or Kentucky but do you know the safest way to handle this situation when you're behind the wheel?
A peculiar thing just happened in the Missouri woods - strange on many different levels. A hunter shared video of a deer that apparently doesn't understand how hunting works and got so close that the animal nearly tripped over him, but he scared it away in the most Missouri way possible.
It's really hard to blame the deer for making this decision. A new video share by a hunter shows a Missouri buck who decided it would be safer in St. Louis than his normal habitat in the woods.
The more things change, the more things stay the same. That's actually not true of the Missouri firearms deer season as there are numerous changes to know about before heading out into the backcountry.
This is they time of year when it's more common than not to see people wearing camo in Missouri. Hunting season is upon us and this year it involves a question thanks to new technology. Can you legally use a drone to hunt wildlife in Missouri? The answer is more complicated than you probably think.
When you see an animal in distress, you've got a decision to make. Do you just move on with your life and let nature take its course or do you risk your own well-being and intervene to help the animal? For one kind-hearted Illinois woman, the decision was easy. Save the deer.
By any and every measure, this is a monster deer. Terry Drury is a name you likely know if you're a hunter and he just took down a 216-inch buck and there's video to prove the achievement.