24 Absolutely Repulsive Jelly Bean Flavors Created by Rockfordians
24 Absolutely Repulsive Jelly Bean Flavors Created by Rockfordians
24 Absolutely Repulsive Jelly Bean Flavors Created by Rockfordians
People have done some pretty crazy things for money. I think it's just human nature to ask, "Well how much would you give me for it?". With the chance to win $10,000 on 97ZOK, we started to ask some questions that have that same energy...
Which Cities Are Illinois' Most Dangerous?
Which Cities Are Illinois' Most Dangerous?
Which Cities Are Illinois' Most Dangerous?
It doesn't take much perusing of daily news stories to realize that the world is a dangerous place. The same is true if we zoom in a bit to our state, even to our own home towns. If you think Chicago is the only spot in Illinois to be concerned about, you're in for a surprise.
What Could You Buy With $10,000?
What Could You Buy With $10,000?
What Could You Buy With $10,000?
That's a great question. One way to find out is to enter our contest, because you could win $10,000. After you win, you can figure out what the 10 grand could purchase. First things first. Here's the details, and how you can enter. I'll wait...
Woman Spends $35,000 in Search for Missing Dog
Woman Spends $35,000 in Search for Missing Dog
Woman Spends $35,000 in Search for Missing Dog
The dog might be "Man's Best Friend," but how much would you be willing to spend to get him back if he went missing? $500? $1,500? $1,000? For one Washington D.C. woman price is no object, apparently. Janet Mihalyfi already has spent more than $35,000 to try to find her lost pooch, Havoc...