Southern Illinois Reporter Has Bad Morning–Deer’s Morning is Far Worse
Living in and around the Rockford area, chances are if you've never had an encounter with a deer on the road, you know several people who have. Unlike Dave Davis of WSIL-TV in Carterville, you probably didn't catch the event on video.
Dave Davis of WSIL-TV was reporting on road conditions Tuesday in Williamson County when his vehicle struck the deer on Route 166.
His report starts out smoothly enough, as Dave, cruising down Route 166, lets viewers in on road conditions after a series of very strong storms rolled through the area. Things were going along just fine, until one of Bambi's relatives decided to take a page out of the proverbial chicken's book--and crossed the road:
Good news/Bad news on this one. The good news is that Dave is okay. The bad news...not so much for the deer.
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