A rail service is always talked about for Rockford.

A candidate running for Illinois state rep doesn't just want to talk about it, she's collecting signatures to open the study to bring a rail service here to Rockford.

WIFR shares that Angie Bodine, who's running for 69th District for Illinois State Representative, is collecting signatures throughout Winnebago and Boone counties to "[reinvestigate] the feasibility of constructing a railway system to connect Chicago to Dubuque."

Ms. Bodine said that "People are very excited about this because this is something our community needs. People recognize that this is something that's going to bring jobs beyond what just the train itself will provide.”

Well, we know this area definitely could use a boost in our economy and job market. I'd welcome a rail service to run through Rockford, wouldn't you?

I mean it would make it so easy to go see a cubs game or the museums without having to drive through traffic to get there. Less stress less headache.

I hope this can be done.

Right now another "10,000 more signatures [are needed] in Winnebago County and more than 1,000 from Boone County by August 6." 

To meet Angie, talk trains and to sign her petition visit her Facebook page, Angie Bodine for State Rep - Angie4IL, or her website at www.Angie4IL.com.




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