Salmonella Outbreak In Onions Prompts FDA Warning
I really didn't pay attention to problems with things like spinach, but an onion problem definitely has my attention.
And, being an avid onion consumer, we'll be checking our stocks at home today because these onions have been shipped to all 50 states and Canada. The four states with the highest number of reported infections are Oregon, 71; Utah, 61; California, 49 and Montana, 33.
I did a little research into Salmonella, and I found that it takes an average of two to four weeks to show. The CDC points out that because of Salmonella's "dormant period," it is possible that there are more infections that they are unaware of. On July 22, the number of salmonella Infections was at 125.
From the FDA's website:
The onions that are in question were shipped from May 1 to present and were distributed in cartons weighing between five and 50 pounds and mesh sacks between two and 50 pounds. Red, yellow, white and sweet yellow onions are included in the recall among Thomson's 11 brands, including: Thomson Premium, TLC Thomson International, Tender Loving Care, El Competitor, Hartley's Best, Onions 52, Majestic, Imperial Fresh, Kroger, Utah Onions and Food Lion.
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