Rockford Youth Symphony Celebrates 50 Years
To celebrate their 50th anniversary the Rockford Symphony Youth Orchestra is having a special concert at the Coronado on Sunday, May 5th.
I can personally speak to how cool RSYO is because I was a member of the group from 1992 til 1997 (dates are estimates, I can't remember exactly when I started). Back then it was called RAYSO (Rockford Area Youth Symphony Orchestra) and we were directed by Michael Beert who now is the principal cello for RSO. Congrats to Mr. Beert, I knew all that practice would pay off.
You can get tickets to the concert here.
If you are RSYO alumni or know someone who is, all former members are invited to play with the group, you just need to register and attend one rehearsal before the performance.
RSYO is a unique organization we have here in Rockford that affords young musicians experience that you can't get in many cities. It's awesome that it's been around for so long. Here's to 50 more great seasons.