Rockford WWII Fighter Ace is Finally Laid to Rest in Arlington
The final chapter of this war hero's story comes to an end in the way it always should have at Arlington National Cemetery.
Wednesday, July 6 marked the end of WWII Fighter Ace, Major Freddie Ohr of Rockford, Illinois. Freddie was laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, VA.. Freddie received a full military officer's ceremony. Freddie passed on September 6, 2015 at the age of 96. Getting that ceremony was a near yearlong process.
Major Freddie Ohr's story is the very kind of story that will fill your heart with so much pride. Here's an excerpt from of WI & IL.
Freddie was a story worthy of a movie; born to Korean immigrant parents...overcoming racism and becoming not only a B-25 Bomber Pilot, but also a WWII Fighter Ace with an incredible 241 combined missions (Spitfire, Mustang, B-25) and recorded a remarkable 23 kills as a strafing expert and aerial dog-fight master (six aerial kills), having flown an amazing 155 missions in his P-51 Mustang
Please take a few moments to honor Freddie's service by reading the rest of his story HERE.
To Major Fred Ohr and his family, thank you for your service and sacrifice so that my family and I can live free. To all the men and women who serve and who have served, thank you for protecting my home and the home's of others unjustly oppressed around the globe.