PodRide Is the Revolutionary Bike Car the World Needs to Battle the Weather
This is as unusual a hybrid vehicle as you'll ever see.
A Swedish man named Mikael Kjellman has created the PodRide, a covered bicycle that enables users to travel in harsh conditions. It's a typical bicycle that is surrounded by fabric on top and on the sides, so the driver can remain dry when the weather outside is less than friendly.
Basically, it's a four-wheeled bike with a 250-watt crank shaft engine with rear suspension, controls on the side, a removable windshield and a padded seat that looks like a tiny car, but can do a whole lot, topping out at 15 miles per hour. It's about as tall as a regular car and can be utilized on typical roadways. There's even a little room in the trunk if you need to place a bag or two there (or attach a trailer if you need more space).
Kjellman is courting investors, courtesy of his his Indiegogo page. And while it seems like a cool innovation, there is no word on what it will cost if and when it becomes available to buy, although Kjellman himself says, "The price on the kit may turn out to be too expensive."
Guess we'll have to wait and see.