The Cicadapocalypse of Illinois has officially begun. And an absolutely disgusting video that went viral on Facebook has confirmed it.

If anyone cares to find me, I will be indoors for the remainder of the next 3-6 weeks. After seeing this video, I wanted to scream and cry and throw up all at the same time. I love to be outdoors, but I might actually get nauseous if I run into this.

RELATED: 6 Disgusting Bugs You Need to Watch Out for This Summer in Wisconsin

We've all heard about and are mentally preparing ourselves for the massive amount of cicadas coming to Illinois this year. If you're like me, you're not happy about it either. I'm an avid hater of any bug, reptile or aquatic creature. And now, it looks like the gnarly-looking bugs have made their debut in our state.

Cicadas Make Their Official Appearance in Carlinville, Illinois

One of my friends forwarded a video to me on Facebook just to mess with me because they know how much I hate bugs. And I'm not gonna lie, I physically gagged while watching this video. Take a deep breath, because it's nasty. This was taken in Carlinville, Illinois -- about 3 and a half hours south of us!

It's fine. I'm fine. Everything's fine. If I lock myself in my apartment for the next few weeks, I shouldn't encounter something like this, right? I can't imagine how I'd react. I'd probably start screaming like a toddler.

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Buckle up Illinois, because this is only the beginning. Depending on where you're located, more and more are going to be making their grand (and unwanted) entrance.

Who else is gonna be counting down the days until they're gone? HAHA! Maybe some of the plants listed below will help me deter them!

Plants That Deter Mosquitoes and Other Bugs

Gallery Credit: Emily Claire

These 50 US Cities are Crawling with Bed Bugs

Every year the pest control gurus at Orkin put together a list of the Top 50 Bed Bug Destinations in the United States. Which areas do you travel to that you should take extra care to watch out for these blood-sucking insects? Let's countdown to the most bed-bug-riddled city in the United States.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

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