When I was in middle school, the opportunity to choose and learn a musical instrument was presented to students at my school. We were shown various instruments and encouraged to pick one. At first, I thought about the drums, but having absolutely zero rhythm, I moved on. To the saxophone. The (to my mind) coolest instrument after the electric guitar (which was not an option).

However, my dad, the guy who would be footing the bill for my saxophone, saw it differently. He knew that I was heavily involved in sports, and that school did not come easily to me (I required a lot of study time just to produce so-so grades), so he thought that perhaps my plate was already full. For some strange reason, he wasn't into the idea of spending money on a musical instrument that would quickly begin to gather dust. He also anticipated the raging arguments that would ensue when I was asked to practice my instrument on a regular basis. He said that if the school were handing out instruments at no cost (which they were not), maybe, just maybe, he'd consider it. Bottom line: no sax for me.

I think that the British man in the video below had a dad with an attitude quite similar to my dad's. The main difference being what this guy can do, compared to what I can do:

I have to admit that my dad was a lot smarter about me than I was.

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