Mailman is Attacked by Turkeys Every Day
So that's how it is, huh? Just a few short weeks past the most stress-filled and dangerous time to be a turkey, you guys figure that since you survived Thanksgiving, you can just throw your weight around and bully people?
Actually, that's exactly what's happening in Falmouth, Massachusetts.
From the New York Daily News:
A Cape Cod mailman is forced to fight his way through a crew of turkeys every day as he goes about his work. The defiant mailman carries a stick to keep the turkeys — dubbed The Gang of Falmouth — at bay as he goes about his daily route. The gang have become part of everyday life in Falmouth, as the turkey population in Massachusetts has exploded. They have reportedly adapted to the busy streets in the town, and have even become something of a tourist attraction.
Not surprisingly, the persecuted mailman wishes to remain anonymous.
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