Law Aims To Prevent Stolen Goods From Moving Through Pawn Shops
John Gregory -- Illinois Radio Network
Adding another barrier to gun trafficking may have been an unintended side effect of newly signed legislation regarding pawn shops.
The law says pawn brokers can't take in or buy items where the serial number or other identifying marks have been removed, altered, or destroyed. The bill's sponsor, State Sen. Don Harmon (D-Oak Park), says firearms weren't the target of this legislation, but he's pleased if it prevents guns from being illegally transferred or purchased.
"I have not heard stories like that coming out of the pawn shops in my district, and we're lucky for that, but to the extent that this, in any way, corrects an opportunity for folks to get illegally, I hope it would work that way," Harmon said.
What Harmon was trying to prevent was the movement of other stolen goods through pawn shops, specifically mentioning bicycles, lawn mowers, and snow blowers.
The legislation will also require pawn brokers to keep items in store for at least 7 days to allow police more time to track down any stolen property.
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