Angry Illinois Woman Tries Biting Cop And Threatens To Pee On Him
This crazy Illinois woman needs to take a course on how to act around police officers while you're getting arrested.
Warrant Out For Illinois Woman's Arrest
It's never a good start to your personal story when it begins with the fact there's a warrant out for your arrest. This woman is from Hinsdale, which by the way is a very fancy suburb in the Chicago area. That means she should definitely know better than to act like that. I guess because this psycho is loaded she thinks she can get away with anything. The suspect was wanted for running over her ex with a vehicle. It all is starting to make sense.
The local police received a tip that the woman would be coming home. When she pulled into her driveway, the officers were waiting for her. The suspect refused to stop and pulled into her garage. The cops followed her in but she then closes the door on them. This all happens in front of her children and everyone in the neighborhood. That's just sad and embarrassing.
RELATED: Illinois Man Throws Rock At Police Car
This crazy lady doesn't cooperate with the police. She threatens and swears at them over and over. At one point, the suspect says she's going to urinate on someone. As one of the officers is attempting to get her to calm down and get in the back of the official vehicle, the woman tries biting one of the officers. The whole incident was filmed with one of the cop's body cameras. The video went viral. I found the footage and you have to check it out for yourself.
She now has a new list of charges to add to her criminal record. It includes a DUI. Yep, she was drunk driving her kids around. For the record, that's her third time being arrested for driving under the influence.