
The Lone Star Tick Is Nasty, And It’s In Illinois
The Lone Star Tick Is Nasty, And It’s In Illinois
The Lone Star Tick Is Nasty, And It’s In Illinois
Hold on there, Mother Nature. I think I speak for most Illinoisans when I say it was bad enough dealing with deer ticks and the possibility of contracting Lyme Disease. Do we really need another blood-sucking, virus spreading, creepy-crawly here in Illinois?
Flashback: Midwest Groundhogs Are Cranky When Awakened
Flashback: Midwest Groundhogs Are Cranky When Awakened
Flashback: Midwest Groundhogs Are Cranky When Awakened
In case you weren't paying attention yesterday morning, Thursday was Groundhog Day, the one day a year that we Americans come to our senses, stop paying attention to computers, forecasts, and maps, and let a sleepy, harassed rodent tell us how to dress for the next 6 weeks.