Watch an Ice Storm Cause a Transformer in Illinois to Explode
The ice storm that moved through the northern parts of the Midwest took its toll causing thousands to be without power. Another casualty which led to the power outages was the moment the ice storm caused a transformer in Illinois to blow sky high. That moment was captured on video.

Based on the video description, this transformer was responsible for power in Crystal Lake, Illinois. I say "was" instead of "is" because it blew sky high thanks to an ice storm. This is the moment it went boom.
CBS News is reporting that the ice storm caused more than 60,000 residents to be without power. NBC Chicago had numbers higher than that with an estimate of 100,000 powerless. Even as recent as early Friday morning, ABC 7 out of Chicago was reporting that 20,000 STILL don't have their power back. Incredible.
The National Weather Service map shows how widespread the ice and rain was earlier this week. You can see that northern Illinois was blanketed completely with freezing moisture.
This transformer that exploded was just one of the casualties of the ice storm. Fortunately, no deaths have been connected to the storm so far and hopefully it stays that way.