Everyone would love to have advanced notice of exactly how much snow will fall in Illinois this winter. Unfortunately, super-accurate weather prediction continues to be an elusive thing unless you believe farmers who say the key is in the onion.

This will be a hard thing for me to test since I'm not a big fan of onions. But, the Old Farmer's Almanac claims the secret to understanding how severe a winter in Illinois will be is the skin of an onion. They shared this old school rhyme from a gardener that is purported to tell the tale of a potentially nasty winter time:

"Onion’s skin very thin,
Mild winter coming in;
Onion’s skin thick and tough,
Coming winter cold and rough."

This is very much in line with the old tale about how a cow's neck can tell you if Illinois winters will be nasty. Here's a rhyme I made for that one:

"Cow neck hair thin?

This winter, you win

Cow neck hair thick?

Roads will be snowy and slick"

Like that one? I'll admit that I'm not much for rhyming, but I am a fan of mild winters. Now, to find some onions and see how thick the skin is. Please be thin. Please be thin.

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Gallery Credit: Canva

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