Did you know that many of the iconic scenes from a classic 1980's movie were all filmed in a real Illinois place? What used to be the high school detention center for The Breakfast Club is now a real detention center for the Illinois State Police.

I was reminded on the Illinois sub-Reddit that we just passed the 40th anniversary of the most famous detention day in movie history - March 24, 1984 when The Breakfast Club spent their Saturday together.

40 years ago today, five teenagers reported for detention at Shermer High School, Shermer, Illinois, 60062
byu/rollotomasi07071 inillinois

The Magic Geekdom on YouTube took the time and took a road trip to Northbrook, Illinois where The Breakfast Club was filmed more than 40 years ago.

This was Sherman High School in the movie.

The Magic Geekdom via YouTube
The Magic Geekdom via YouTube

This is the building that used to be Sherman High School that is now a headquarters for the Illinois State Police.

The Magic Geekdom via YouTube
The Magic Geekdom via YouTube

She shared the scene where The Breakfast Club are being picked up by their parents on these steps.

The Magic Geekdom via YouTube
The Magic Geekdom via YouTube

Today, these are the steps that now lead to the Illinois State Police and some Illinois Lottery staff, too.

The Magic Geekdom via YouTube
The Magic Geekdom via YouTube

They also visited Park Ridge, Illinois which is where the famous football scene fist pump scene was filmed.

The Magic Geekdom via YouTube
The Magic Geekdom via YouTube

It's a fun retro video throwback to one of the most famous Saturday detentions in movie (and Illinois) history.

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Gallery Credit: Chris Degenhardt/Gridiron Heroes via YouTube

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