I tend to be a very skeptical person, but to me this is a blockbuster find by some urban explorers in Illinois. They captured video inside of an abandoned Kildeer, Illinois facility and uncovered what appears to be secret FBI papers talking about alien activity in that area.

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The urbex (urban exploration) guys don't say it, but I know for a fact that this abandoned facility is located in Kildeer, Illinois. There's a sign as they enter the area that says as much.

Stringer media via YouTube
Stringer media via YouTube

The buildings lie hidden back in the woods of Kildeer, Illinois. It used to be a fertilizer facility or at least that's what the public was told back in the 1980's. As they approach, they see a "Do Not Enter" sign.

Stringer media via YouTube
Stringer media via YouTube

That is ignored as they begin their trek down the long ramp.

Stringer media via YouTube
Stringer media via YouTube

But, it's what they find inside the cabinets of the facility that are stunning. They find FBI files about Project Blue Book about UFO's.

Stringer media via YouTube
Stringer media via YouTube

This FBI memo directly addresses citizens in Kildeer, Illinois seeing "green eyes" in the woods and being uneasy. It also mentions investigations by the Environmental Protection Agency which the FBI says need to be "out of here". Remarkable.

Stringer media via YouTube
Stringer media via YouTube

That's not the only document that the explorers find either. Lots of others with lots of redacted classified info.

Stringer media via YouTube
Stringer media via YouTube

I believe this exploration was done near Kildeer, Illinois back in 2020 based on the video time stamp, but it's completely new to me. Watch it for yourself and see if you think it's legit or are the YouTube guys putting one over on us? If so, well done. Either way, it's an entertaining watch.

WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

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Gallery Credit: decayingmidwest via YouTube