Sometimes, we dads just need to be clued in on things. I mean, if TV commercials are any indication, it's amazing that we're even able to function in society, let alone know anything about it. We're here to provide cell phones and other electronics, cash, and eye-rolling behavior for our family's amusement. In my house, we call it "TV Dad Syndrome."

That's why some of us have been blessed with daughters. They help us understand the nuances of life, like why the shirt we're wearing is embarrassing. Oh, and they also help with our inability to identify royalty:

They also point out our social awkwardness by pointing out the things we know absolutely  nothing about. Like weddings:

The little girl, Joanna (or JoJo), did wind up getting a bracelet and a brand new dress, according to her dad, and is now content to be "daddy's little princess." She would still prefer he not talk to her or say her name while she's performing her duties as a flower girl at an upcoming wedding.

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