As a long-time morning radio show host, I feel as though I'm more than qualified to weigh in on Illinois' coffee obsession because I completely and totally understand, relate to it, and...find myself wanting coffee as I write this.

After my first cup at age 7 (at Grandma's house, loaded with cream and sugar. Not Grandma, but the coffee), my lifelong affinity for the roasted beans began. Getting up each morning at 3am ensures that it always will.


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"So you still drink it? This is so much quicker." (Getty Images)
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"This is empty. Can I have that syringe?" (Getty Images)
loading... Surveyed 3,215 American Adults Across The United States And Asked Them To Rate Their Coffee Obsession

Let's be honest about coffee for a second. It's pretty easy to discuss people's obsession with coffee when coffee is the world's 2nd most popular beverage, behind water. It's pretty safe to assume that many of us might obsess a bit about it. asked survey participants to rate their coffee obsession on a scale of 1 to 5, with a score of 1 being "not obsessed at all," and a score of 5 meaning very obsessed. It's not like we haven't had some time to build that obsession, since the first reports of coffee consumption date back as far as the 9th Century.

"The Dark Ages would suck worse without this coffee!" (Getty Images)
"The Dark Ages would suck worse without this coffee!" (Getty Images)
Aerial view of various coffee
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West Virginia Is Our Most Coffee Obsessed State, Illinois Isn't Far Behind

With a score of 3.70, West Virginians lead the way in their need and overall desire for coffee, followed by Virginia (3.57), Maine (3.53), Ohio (3.51), and Oregon (3.46).

Coffee powder in the shape of Illinois and a coffee mill.(series).
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Illinois takes the #6 spot overall with a score of 3.45, just behind Oregon.

Arizona and Utah tie for least-obsessed with a score of 2.65. The U.S. national average score is 3.11.

We may really be into our coffee here in Illinois, but's survey points out that we're not insane about it. 90% of us would give up coffee forever for one million dollars. However, 57% of us would give up chocolate before we'd give up coffee.

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