Doing These 9 Things Make People Dislike You Instantly
We like it when people like us, duh. Well then maybe we should stop doing these 9 things.
While we don't need to be besties forever with everyone we meet, it would be nice to know what makes people dislike you immediately, right?
According to AOL, these are the 9 things that we do that make people dislike us immediately. Hopefully we aren't guilty of too many of them!
- Sharing too many photos on Facebook, friends don't want to see your relatives and relatives don't want to see your friends.
- Having too many or too few Facebook friends, we should have about 300, not too many more, not too many less.
- Disclosing something extremely personal early on in a relationship, until people are truly your friends, leave some personal info out of the conversation.
- Asking someone questions without talking about yourself at all, don't just talk about yourself either, it should be a balance between two people.
- Posting a close-up profile photo, apparently really close faces are considered less trustworthy.
- Hiding your emotions, people can tell you're hiding something.
- Acting too nice, when you're too nice, other people think you're making them look bad.
- Humblebragging, this is one of my least favorite things, someone complimenting themselves but trying to make it come off as criticism. We can see through that.
- Getting too nervous, people can actually smell the nerves in your sweat, yikes!