WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so, you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

A casual walk on a rooftop in Chicago takes a unique turn that leads a group to discover a literal abandoned bank.

People who've read my stuff have heard me say this countless times before. I'm a big fan of Decaying Midwest and its content. It blows my mind how much stuff people just leave behind when leaving a place. Throw on top of that, some of these buildings are so cool, it's crazy to me that no one came in to make the spot into something else.

When watching these videos, I never know whether to feel mad or sad. Regardless, this has to be (in my opinion) one of the coolest finds in Illinois that I've seen.

Decaying MidWest Discovers An Abandoned Bank in Chicago

Was there any money left behind? Sadly, I'm going to guess no. BUT, check out the main vault!

Decaying Midwest Finds An Abandoned Bank in Chicagoi
Decaying Midwest, TikTok

And that's just one of them. There was another massive one found in the basement. Again, imagine how much money was used to build this place and make those secure vaults. All to just be left completely unused. Who knows how long this place has been abandoned? Absolutely insane to me.

RELATED: Abandoned Catholic Church in Chicago Never Lost It's True Beauty [VIDEO]

Check out the other vault they discovered.


Now, I want to show you the last and probably the coolest part. The main area of the bank.

Remember back in the day, like in the Mary Poppins movie, when banks were depicted as massive, beautiful and almost mansion-like on the inside? Take a look at what I mean because this is totally what I'm envisioning when I see this. I bet this place was genuinely cool in its day.

Decaying Midwest Discovers Abandoned Bank in Chicago
Decaying Midwest, TikTok

It sucks that such an amazing space was left to deteriorate like that. I'm more than certain there was a good reason, but it's still sad.

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You can check out the full video right here to see all that was discovered.


@decayingmidwestAbandoned bank in Chicago♬ Flowin (Sped Up) - 3weeksin


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