Blood Drive Honoring 9/11 First Responders Coming To Town
Another blood drive is coming to town that you should go to.
You might be thinking to yourself "Another blood drive! Feels like there's one every week." You might be right but there's a reason for that. Blood levels in the Stateline have been hovering around emergency levels for some time now. It will take us awhile to get the reserves back up to a functional level.
Here's how you can help out:
What: Blood Drive In Honor Of 9/11 First Responders
When: September 11, 11 am - 6pm
Where: Pub 815, 6246 E. Riverside Blvd.
As always with the blood drive posts, I urge just one person that wouldn't have normally donated to do so in my name. I'd love to but with a history of cancer, they don't want my juice. Thanks to everyone who pitches in.