A Very Important Blood Drive Is Coming To Cherry Valley
The supply of blood in the Rockford area is getting dangerously low again. Here's how you can help out.
On Tuesday, August 15th, the Rotary Club of Rockford East-Cherry Valley will host a blood drive at the Rock River Valley Blood Center at 3065 N. Perryville Road in Rockford.
The blood drive will coincide with their monthly 7:30 meeting and will go all day. Rotary's motto of "Service Above Self" explains why the members of Rotary feel it's important to support RRVBC as they continue to experience low levels of life-saving blood this summer.
The Rock River Valley Blood Center serves as a centralized, community blood center and is the sole provider of blood products and services to Beloit Health System, Edgerton Hospital and HealthServices, FHN, OSF Saint Anthony Medical Center, Rochelle Community Hospital, Mercyhealth Hospital-Rockton Avenue, SwedishAmerican Health System and SwedishAmerican Medical Center-Belvidere. For more information or to make an appointment to donate blood, please call 877-RRVBC-99 or visit their website at www.rrvbc.org.