As you know millions of gallons of the Agent Orange herbicide were sprayed over millions of acres in Vietnam,” said John Paddock, Agent Orange Committee chairman. “It did not matter what branch of service you were in or what your job was. If you were there, you were exposed.”

According to, "Paddock presided over a somber ceremony Sunday to recognize 10 Vietnam veterans from Winnebago County who died from exposure to the herbicide in recent years. Several hundred people gathered at the LZ Peace Memorial hilltop for the name unveiling."

Yesterday, while visiting my grandparents, I watched 'The Post'. A movie that depicts the lies told by multiple administrations in the White House to the American people regarding the progress of the Vietnam War.

It makes me wonder how many of these brave souls were lost because of these embarrassing acts. A scary quote from 'The Post' said, "70% (of the reason we stayed in Vietnam) was to avoid the humiliation of an American defeat."

Vietnam vets were given a bad deal from the moment they were sent over. It continued once they returned (if they were lucky enough). When it comes to the respect they have deserved for decades, I guess it's better late than never, but it is wonderful to see them being honored.

According to, "The names of the Vietnam veterans added to the wall are: James Biesiadecki, Army; Roger Campbell, Army; Michael Daugherty, Army; Grant Fisher, Navy; Larry Jackson, Marine Corps; Ronald Locarno, Army; Marvin Osterholz, Army; Clarence Nygren, Army; Donald Steffen, Army; and Charles Wolfe, Army."

We thank you for your service and will never forget your sacrifice.

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