You Might Soon Be Finally Able To Drink (Legally) On IL Trains
Hand up if you even knew it was illegal to drink on trains in Illinois.
<raises hand> - Naperville Democratic Sen. Laura Ellman’s proposal would repeal the Railroad Intoxicating Liquor Act of 1911 — which prohibits drinking alcohol on trains and around train stations.
The law has not been enforced in nearly a century, but Ellman believes it’s time to get rid of it entirely.
This might be the most unenforced law I've ever seen. I used to take the Metra every day and people were constantly drinking. Friday afternoons there would be designated party cars with makeshift bars. Occasionally they would "ban" drinking on busy weekends but that was only a few times a year.
It's apparently just still on the books from the prohibition era and never got removed, they just stopped caring about it.
The bill is currently awaiting consideration.