What’s With This Dancing Weirdo Wisconsin Man (Photos)
When I get a text that says, "here's a blog for you" I know it's going to be good.
My wife was in Janesville, Wisconsin and took these pictures at an intersection. Sure, you get the dude holding a sign for a local business, or some sort of individual wearing a costume to promote something or another, but...
"Build Back Better." Sounds like a positive message, sounds like something I could get behind...or maybe not.
The concept, the red, white, and blue...the positive message, all good. But let's take a look at some more pics to break this down further:
Shaking his tailfeather? Showing off his glowing white legs? Let's discuss this outfit next:
So we have a Santa hat, a very "unique" sweater...are those bears? Next the baggy shorts (single digit temps) and some socks pulled up high and tight. Oh, we must mention he is in fact wearing a mask, under his chin. I'm guessing his singing was being muffled? Let's go to the next pic:
O.K., the singing...My wife didn't catch the tune he was belting out, but we can guess, right? Here are my thoughts:
- Bruce Springsteen - Born in The USA
- MC Hammer - U Can't Touch This
- ABBA - Dancing Queen
- Starland Vocal Band - Afternoon Delight
All good guesses if you ask me. The possibilities are endless, that sweater though.
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