John Gregory -- Illinois Radio Network

The subtext of Gov. Pat Quinn’s re-election strategy has been made explicit by his running mate.

The theme of Quinn’s campaign has been trying to portray the wealthy Bruce Rauner as out of touch with most people in Illinois. Democratic lieutenant governor candidate Paul Vallas said as much as when asked if Rauner is too rich to be governor.

“You know, I think he definitely, uh, cannot relate to everyday voters and he cannot relate to working families,” Vallas said.

But when pressed if he was answering “yes” to the original question, Vallas responded “That’s a yes. Yes.”

Rauner campaign spokesman Mike Schrimpf responded to the comments by saying “We didn’t know a person’s income level was a qualification for office.  Pat Quinn thinks only corrupt career politicians who have screwed up Springfield for decades are qualified to lead our state.  The people of Illinois know better than that.”

Vallas pointed to Rauner’s comments on the minimum wage throughout the campaign—including a January interview in which he said he once favored eliminating it altogether—as proof that Rauner’s wealth informs his policies.

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