Things Illinois Residents Have to Explain to Visitors
I just finished reading another post here on our website, "What People Think of Illinois, According to Google," posted by our pal Sweet Lenny.
Lenny points out that if you Google the words "Why is Illinois So..." the auto-complete word is "Broke." Google has listed the words the come up with all the states when you type in "Why is _____ So..."
Wisconsin gets "Cold." Texas is "Big." New York is "Expensive." Oklahoma is "Bad." Michigan is "Poor," and Nebraska is "Flat."
I happened upon another piece from entitled "27 Things People From Illinois Have to Explain to Out-of-Towners."
Some of their findings include:
- Illinoisans Are The Only Ones Who Know What Real Cold Weather Is
- You’re Required To Choose Between The Cubs Or Sox
- The Only Exception Is In Southern Illinois
- But Everyone Can Agree To Love The Bears
- Someone On LSD Is Not On Drugs (get it? Lake Shore Drive?)
- Illinoisans Actually Know What Casimir Pulaski Day Is
- There Are Only Two Seasons… Winter And Construction
- Everyone In Illinois Has Taken A Family Vacation To Six Flags
- All Of Your Favorite 80s And 90s Movies Were Shot In Illinois
- Springfield Is Actually Just One Giant Lincoln Museum
- No, Chicago Isn’t Actually The Capital
- Pronouncing The S Is The Worst Crime An Out-Of-Towner Can Commit (as in Ella-Noise)
But, to Sweet Lenny's original point...yeah, we're broke.