If you've never heard of the Warrior Canine Connection, I recommend that you take a look here to learn more about a first-rate organization.
The Warrior Canine Connection is a pioneering organization that utilizes clinically based Canine Connection Therapy to help wounded Warriors reconnect with life, their families, their communities, and each other...
You might want to make sure you're well supplied with tissues before checking this one out.
From The Mighty:
Sergeant Joe Johnson, from Fishers, Indiana, is a veteran who served in Afghanistan and a paraplegic, Fox 59 reported. Rec...
On The Riley & Scot Show, we have discussed, on several occasions, the pros and cons of creative marriage proposals.
We've seen the jumbotron proposals, the sky-written proposals, even the "surprise her at halftime wearing a mascot costume" proposal (both successful and not).