Some that went outside late Friday night in Illinois to observe the passing of the International Space Station got a big surprise as a meteor exploded in the sky near the ISS.
Never underestimate someone with great determination. That's especially true when a group of Wisconsin boaters make up their mind that they are collectively going to move a floating bog that has gone rogue. Fortunately, there's video that captured the moment as it happened.
I saw the buzz about this all over social media Saturday, May 4 after what many thousands described as 'a green fireball' explode over Illinois. Many captured video of the space rock as it disintegrated over the Land of Lincoln.
I'm not normally one to recommend that someone adapt what many would consider to be a radical lifestyle. However, I'll make an exemption in this case. I think you would do well to become a Missouri doomsday prepper even if you don't believe doomsday will happen in your lifetime and I'll explain why.
Wisconsin police say these videos begin as "cute" but quickly transition to acts of offensive language, blood, stabbings, decapitations, and sexual assault.
Here's the scene: You're a Meteorologist. You work in Wisconsin. It's your last day at the TV station and you want to make sure people know a few things before you leave.