
Let's Be Careful With Those Deep Fried Turkeys, Rockford
Let's Be Careful With Those Deep Fried Turkeys, Rockford
Let's Be Careful With Those Deep Fried Turkeys, Rockford
For all of you who claim that no method of cooking a turkey even comes close to being as good as a deep-fried turkey, well, you'll get no argument from me. For me though, as Inspector Harry Callahan once observed, "a man's got to know his limitations." Risking incineration of my house for a delicious plate of turkey is beyond that limit.
Frying a Turkey? Avoid a Fire Tornado
Frying a Turkey? Avoid a Fire Tornado
Frying a Turkey? Avoid a Fire Tornado
I can agree with those who claim that fried turkey is the absolute best way to serve it. I don't need convincing, I've tasted it, and you turkey fryers are right, it's awesome. However, having said that, I also have to admit that the idea of frying my own Thanksgiving Day bird...
Thanksgiving Turkey at My House
Thanksgiving Turkey at My House
Thanksgiving Turkey at My House
For the last 5 years or so, my wife Amy has been brining our Thanksgiving Day turkeys. I've discussed this several times on the air, and inevitably, I get requests for her recipe, or at least an explanation of why I think this is the absolute best way to prepare the bird...
Rep. Adam Kinzinger Says No Ebola Travel Ban Yet [AUDIO]
Rep. Adam Kinzinger Says No Ebola Travel Ban Yet [AUDIO]
Rep. Adam Kinzinger Says No Ebola Travel Ban Yet [AUDIO]
Illinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger joined the show this week and our discussion focused on two key topics: U.S. military action against ISIS and the Ebola outbreak in Africa. The Congressman recently returned from a trip to Turkey and Iraq, where he facilitated negotiations between multiple groups who have been battling both Assad and ISIS...